HDD 101: How Full Bore Plans from the TeraTrak R1 Give New Drillers Years of Experience

No matter the job or industry, being "green" in a new role is tough. For drilling, lack of experience on a drilling crew likely means less productivity, at best. At worst, well, we know what bad drilling can look like and the costs it can bring.
What if there was a way to instantly give a new employee 10 years of experience? The TeraTrak R1 and its full bore plans can do that. With a full bore plan in their hand, green drillers and locators can now:
- Learn the basics of steering by following a step-by-step road map of the bore as opposed to "feeling" their way through it.
- See all of the utilities and clearances in front of them, not just a couple within their view, so they can easily navigate around them safely.
- Match what they see on the bore plan to the terrain along the path, letting them gain visual insights and experience that will improve their drilling knowledge more quickly.
- Build safe and efficient drilling habits by seeing the amount of bend rods can and can’t handle before the job even starts.
- Limit help calls from the jobsite that slow work down and cost company primaries time that could be spent elsewhere.
Do you have a new (or experienced) crew that could use a brush up on drilling fundamentals? Contact your local DCI rep to see how the TeraTrak R1 can make any job easier and give your crew an instant shot of experience.